Biden - Putin visit Who is friend in the Middle East.

 Biden- Putin visit Who is friend in the Middle East.

Biden- Putin visit Who is friend in the Middle East.
 Biden- Putin visit Who is friend in the Middle East.

The goods of the Ukraine- Russia war are spreading around the world. A conflict thousands of long hauls down has fueled politic exertion in the Middle East. Last week, US President Joe Biden visited Saudi Arabia, Israel and the engaged Palestinian homes.On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin paid a visit to Tehran. In Tehran, he met with the leaders of Iran and Turkey.

In addition to the bilateral meeting with Iranian chairman Ibrahim Raisi, he also held a triplex meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the' Astana format'. These three countries are continuing triplex addresses in the' astana frame' to resolve differences on Syria. still, numerous motifs related to the Ukraine war came up in their discussion.

Turkey has shown interest in an agreement with Moscow to lift the leaguer on grain exports from the Black Sea. Russia, on the other hand, wishes to strengthen ties with Turkey . Russia's minister to Tehran lately declared that the two countries are now' in a single fort'.

Iran is planning to shoot hundreds of drones to Russia to use in the Ukraine war, the US has contended. piecemeal from this, Russian state company Gazprom has inked a development agreement with Iran's state oil painting company. Although Moscow and Tehran have analogous interests, they maintain some distance. 

But now no bone feels that they've much to lose by being close. Russia isn't bothered that it'll face new warrants if it has close relations with Iran. Iran, on the other hand, is preparing to ride the long- term goods of US warrants. US President Joe Biden, on a trip to the Middle East, said that they won't leave any space in the region that China, Russia or India can take.

The US will continue to have a presence in the region. Despite this advertisement, Iran and Russia have realized that the interest of the US superpower in the Middle East is waning. Putin has deposited Russia as a major power there.

In the wake of the Russia- Ukraine war, Biden's complete reversal of tone has also come to everyone's attention. During the US presidential election crusade, Joe Biden indicted Saudi Arabia of mortal rights violations, including the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. He also promised to take way to insulate Saudi Arabia from the transnational community. According to US intelligence, Yuvraj approved the payoff of Jamal Khashoggi. intelligencer Jamal Khashoggi entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey on October 2, 2018.

 He was severely killed there. His body was cut into pieces and faded. Khashoggi's remains have noway been set up. intelligencer Jamal Khashoggi was a loyal critic of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was indicted of ordering his murder. But after last week's meeting with the Saudi crown Napoleon, Biden's moral standing has been questioned.

US quiz choices in November. Before that, Biden is looking to lower energy prices and ameliorate his dismal blessing conditions. His plea for further oil painting product during a visit to Saudi Arabia didn't feel to be getting important response. He's not getting important benefit from the positive image he wanted to make on that trip.

Meanwhile, the lack of progress in the Doha addresses on the nuclear deal with Iran, leaving the deal on the point of collapse, has been further talked about than the success of the Middle East stint. Former US President Donald Trump doubled down on warrants by pulling out of the deal with Iran.

Since also, Iran has made dramatic progress in its nuclear program. sweats to revive the deal are in the final stages of collapse, one bystander of nuclear tactfulness advised. Iran is seeking a commitment that no latterly US administration can violate the deal.

In addition to strengthening relations with Iran, Russian President Putin is also interested in Saudi Arabia, the supporter of the United States in the region. Meanwhile, Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman spoke on the phone. They talked about the oil painting request. 

They spoke less than a week after US President Joe Biden's visit to Saudi Arabia. A Kremlin statement latterly said Putin and Mohammed bin Salman bandied the situation in the transnational oil painting request in detail. They emphasized the importance of OPEC Plus cooperation. Putin also bandied his visit to Tehran with the Saudi Crown Prince.

Biden's trip to the Middle East is seen as an trouble to strengthen ties between Israel and Arab countries. But there are pitfalls. This will bring Moscow and Tehran closer. rather of dialogue between Riyadh and Tehran, the threat of conflict in the region may increase. This could further destabilize global energy requests. further complexly, the region could risk an arms race and long- term insecurity.

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