Corona: Lockdown again in Wuhan


Corona: Lockdown again in Wuhan

Corona: Lockdown again in Wuhan
Corona: Lockdown again in Wuhan

The Chinese government has again locked down the Chinese city of Wuhan. The authorities announced the lockdown after the detection of coronavirus in four people in Jiangxia district. This information was reported in a BBC report on Thursday (July 28).

The Chinese government is adopting the 'Zero Covid' policy. If a person is infected with corona in any area, the country follows various strategies including mass testing, strict isolation rules, imposition of local lockdown. As a result, China has fewer deaths from corona than many other countries.

One million people live in Wuhan city. Authorities are conducting regular corona tests here. Two days ago, two people were diagnosed with corona virus. But they had no symptoms. After that two more people were diagnosed with corona virus. After that, the Chinese government announced the lockdown.

Meanwhile, scientists are talking about getting credible evidence that the corona virus epidemic started from the Huanan seafood and wildlife market in the city of Wuhan, China. Two studies, the results of which were published on Tuesday, re-examined data on the first outbreak of the coronavirus in that city in Hubei province.

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