First woman on the moon.


First woman on the moon.

The first dog on the moon.Who is the world's first astronaut.Who was the first to go to the moon.

First woman on the moon.
First woman on the moon.

NASA will send the first female astronaut to the moon in 2025.NASA launched the first man to the moon in 1969. 12 astronauts set foot on the lunar soil in 6 Apollo missions till 1972. All of them were men. If all goes well, a woman will set foot on the moon in 2025 on the Artemis 3 mission. But NASA has not yet announced who is the lucky one. However, in December 2020, NASA announced the team of astronauts for the Artemis mission. There were 9 female astronauts in that team. 

They are – Kyle Barron, Christina Koch, Nicole Mann, Annie McClain, Jessica Meyer, Jasmine Moghbeli, Kate Rubins, Jessica Watkins and Stephanie Wilson. Perhaps one of them will travel to the moon. Artemis also announced the names of 9 male and 9 female members of the mission. In the end, who will go to the moon, it will be known within a few days. It should be noted that a woman-Blackwell Thompson will also be in charge of the Artemis mission launch. Source: NASA

The first dog on the moon?

Laika (Russian: Лайка, literally - the one who barks) (1954 - 1957) was a Russian space dog who was the first living creature to orbit the Earth.

Who is the world's first astronaut?

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (Russian: Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин, 9 March 1934 – 27 March 1968) was a Soviet pilot and astronaut. He became the first person to travel in space, orbiting the Earth on April 12, 1961, aboard the Vostok spacecraft.

Profession: Aviator, Astronaut

Died: 27 March 1968 (age...

Born: 9 March 1934; Clush...

Rank: Commander (Colonel), S...

Who was the first to go to the moon?

It was 5:55 p.m. in the Eastern Suburbs of America - the exact moment Commander Gene Cernan first set foot on the moon.

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