Europe hit by worst drought in 500 years.


Europe hit by worst drought in 500 years.

Europe hit by worst drought in 500 years.
Europe hit by worst drought in 500 years.

Europe is the worst drought in 5 years. On Tuesday, the European Union agency said the European Commission said two-thirds of the continent's area was alert. Shipping has decreased by the inland waterways, the production of electricity and the yield of certain crops are decreasing. The European Commission released a report yesterday. News of Reuters.

In August, the drought monitoring agency (IDO) in Europe published a report. The European Commission received the report. According to the report, 5 percent of Europe's area is under caution as the soil moisture decreases. And 5 percent of the area is in alert. The production of vegetables is being disrupted there.

According to the report, severe droughts have occurred in many parts of Europe since the beginning of the year. In early August, drought situation arose in new areas and it became awful.

The report also indicates that the Western part of the European Sea will feel more warming till next November.

Over the weeks of Europe, a large part of Europe has fierce heat wave. The drought situation becomes worse and the fire has appeared in various places. Health alerts are issued in different countries.

According to a statement from the European Commission, the horrific drought situation at present has not been seen in Europe in at least five years. At the end of the season, the final information was confirmed based on analysis.

Drought is having a huge impact on summer grains. The amount of crop production of 2022 is expected to be 5 percent less than the average crop production in the last five years. The production of soybeans is 5 percent and sunflower production is also reduced by 12 percent.

It is also affecting other power generation, including hydropower. Production is being disrupted due to lack of enough water to give the cooling system. The movement of the vessels is being disrupted as the water levels of different rivers, like Rhine, are down. Coal and oil transportation is affecting the reducing goods by ships.

According to the IDO report, the situation may improve somewhat due to the rain in mid -August, but in some places thunderstorms have increased.

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