The virtues of fasting

The virtues of fasting

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. Fasting has been made obligatory on the Ummah in the second Hijri by verse 185 of Surah Bakar. So if anyone denies the fast of Ramadan, he will be out of Islam.

The virtues of fasting
The virtues of fasting

Ramadan fasting has been made compulsory, and many great rewards have been announced for its observance. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Allaah says: Fasting is for me. I will repay it myself. My servant gives up food and desire for me. Two happy days for fasting. A happy iftar time. Another happy time to meet her with me. The fragrance of the mouth of the fasting person is better to Allah than the fragrance of mishk. (Bukhari: 7492)

Rosa is a shield to escape from hell. As you have a shield from death. The best fast is the three fasts of each month. (Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah: 2125)

Abu Umama said: I said, O Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him! Instruct me in a work by which I will enter Paradise. He said: ‘It is essential for you to fast. Because there is no comparison.

So except for the arrival of guests, smoke could never be seen rising from Abu Umama's house during the day. When people saw smoke rising from his house during the day, they understood that there were guests in his house today. (Sahih Ibn Hibban: 3425)

Whoever fasts one day in the way of Allah, Allah will make a ditch between him and Hell. Which is like the distance between the sky and the ground. (Tirmidhi: 1624)

There is a gate to Paradise. His name is Ryan. On the Day of Resurrection, the fasting people will enter Paradise through that gate. No one else will enter Paradise through that gate. Announcement: Where are the fasting people? Then they will rise. No one else will go without them. The Ryan Gate will be closed when they enter Paradise. So no one else will be able to enter through this gate. (Bukhari: 1896)

My ummah has been given five things in the month of Ramadan, which have not been given to any prophet before me. First, when the first night of Ramadan comes, Allah looks at them. And He will never punish anyone on whom He sees. Second, the smell of their mouths is better to Allah than the fragrance of Mishk. Third, the angels continue to ask forgiveness for them every day. Fourth, Allah instructed Paradise, "Be prepared and equipped for My servants." Very soon they will seek relief from the fatigue of the world in my house and in my honor. Fifth, they are forgiven when the last night comes. One asked, is it the night of Qadr? He said no. Have you not seen the workers, when they retire, their wages are paid in full? (Kanzul Ummal)

Whoever fasts one day for the sake of gaining Allah's pleasure, Allah will move him away from Hell as far as a crow can fly from childhood to old age till it dies. (Shuabul Iman: 3318)

It is necessary to be sincere in maintaining all the manners and rules of fasting in order to gain the virtues and benefits of fasting as narrated in the hadith.

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