How to search groups in Telegram


How to search groups in Telegram 

How to search groups in Telegram
 How to search groups in Telegram

Telegram has become one of the most used applications in the world, behind WhatsApp, which continues to dominate it, despite the possibilities offered by the people of Pavel Durve, the creator of this completely free platform.

And I say platform and messaging app, because it's so much more than that, it's an ideal way to meet others who need to be in real time. Thanks to T
elegram Group, we can find people with the same tastes, hobbies ... but how about searching for groups on Telegram?

Unlike other platforms, no web page is required to find
telegram groups, although, according to some channels, this is necessary because it can only be accessed by invitation.


⬢ What is Telegram Group

⬢ How to create a telegram group

⬢  How to search groups in Telegram

⬢  How to leave a telegram group

What is Telegram Group

The first thing to remember is that a telegram group is not like a telegram channel. While channels are designed for companies and blogs and other groups that want to communicate with their audiences, groups are designed for users to interact with each other.

A channel is a medium of communication where the creator shares content with all followers. You can join as long as the channels are not private. Only creators and / or administrators can post content. You can add and remove members.

Groups are designed to bring together friends, family and anyone else interested in the same theme. Unlike channels, all users in a group can share content (unless it is restricted by administrators).

The maximum number of users of the telegram receiving group is 200,000. Groups, like channels, can be public or private, so you can create groups with your friends, with whom you have access, to prevent them from joining the conversation.

How to create a telegram group

We know the difference between groups and channels, below we show you the steps to follow to create a group.

 ∎ Next, we select the new group and we select the members we want to add to the group and click Next.

 ∎ Next, we must enter the group name and click create.

Finally, once we have created the group, all users we have added to the group will receive a notification inviting them to participate.

Once we have created the group, we can add as many administrators as we like. We must edit the group to add an administrator. Editing group options, we can also set the group as individual.

We can share a link with other people in the group.

If we want to add new members, we must access the group options we created, click the Add Member option, and select from our contact list with the Telegram whom we want to add.

How to search groups in Telegram

The group search process in Telegram is available both in the App Store for the same iOS in each of the Telegram applications, such as on the Android Play Store, Microsoft Store, Mac App Store, and directly through the Telegram website.

Search for the group in the neighborhood telegram, you must follow the steps I have shown below.

∎ The first thing we must do is locate the search box. It is located at the top of the list of conversations we create in all applications. We must slide the chat list on the mobile device, as it is hidden locally.

∎ Next, we must enter the channel name we are looking for.

∎ If we want to expand the search, we must add more information. For example, if we are looking for a group of Pokমmon in Alicante, we must enter Pokমনmon Alicante.

∎ Once we find the group that is interested in our name, click on it.

∎ To join, press the button below with the name Join.

Once we join the group we want, we will be able to access the history of the whole group conversation, as long as the administrator does not restrict that option to new users.

Some groups invite us to the solution. In this way, groups prevent bots from flooding these groups. If you do not want to be excluded from our group, you can also show a message inviting you to read the rules.

Depending on the topic channel we may be interested in, if we do not want to receive constant notifications, we should not do the first thing ute word group. To mute a group, we must access the group's details and click on the bell just above the word Silence.

If the group is very active the best way to follow the content without any annoying notifications at any time is to quickly drain the battery of our device.

                                              How to leave a telegram group

If the group we've entered doesn't meet our needs, all we can do is abandon it, without giving it a chance for at least a few days. If we want to leave a telegram group, we must follow the steps we will show you.

∎ We find ourselves in the group, click on the icon it represents to access its features.

∎ Next, click on the three horizontal points that we find in the center right of the group.

∎ Leave the team we choose from among the options it offers us. In the next window, the application will confirm if we really want to leave the group. We are sure that it and the group will automatically disappear from our chat list.

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